Opportunity knocks

Ariel Davidoff

Dr. Ariel Sergio Goekmen highlights a few examples of how Liechtenstein makes an excellent partner for UK tax clients, whether individuals or companies

Several tax planning opportunities have opened up since the UK and Liechtenstein aligned their interests last year. By signing their first comprehensive double-taxation convention in June 2012, the two countries reflected ever-increasing cooperation.

The convention follows the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development model, but with a number of notable innovations, including a zero withholding rate for dividends (15 per cent for real estate investment trusts) and zero withholding rates on interest and royalties. The signing of the treaty also provided an occasion for the Liechtenstein government to detail further developments relating to the Liechtenstein Disclosure Facility (LDF).

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Opportunity Knocks: UK and Liechtenstein Tax Cooperation by Ariel Davidoff