RREC UK: The first hundred days on the board of the parent club

Ariel Davidoff

It was with great relief, and gratitude for the support of the European section, especially the Swiss and German sections, that along with another five candidates from the UK, the two put up from the “continent” – Ralph Bünger and myself – were elected to the UK Management Committee on Saturday, 31 October 2020. Ralph Bünger is a true citizen of the world and speaks several languages, living in France and Spain when current travel restrictions allow.

In my application, I had written that I wanted to listen to the members and help to make our international club an integrated, shared experience for all members. Thanks to my decades of experience in international banks, I also see the aspect of finance and governance as my strengths.

On Sunday, the newly elected plus two existing board members met for a Zoom Call to be constituted. The two current board members had only been elected in April, so they remained on the Board to ensure a frictionless transition and knowledge transfer. The first task was to define the roles on the Board.

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Zoom meeting of the UK Management Committee including Ariel Davidoff and Ralph Bünger, reflecting the first hundred days on the board, with Swiss and German support.