Threats to the Privacy of Wealthy Families and Entrepreneurs

Ariel Davidoff

A Guide for Wealthy Families and their Advisors from a Swiss Perspective

This book demonstrates that wealthy families and entrepreneurs around the world have a lawful interest in keeping as much information about themselves as possible confidential. Their priority is security, especially the security of their families, including their minor children, whom they rightfully fear might be kidnapped and ransomed.

For these legitimate reasons, they wish to maintain their freedom of movement, not just in terms of their financial affairs but also regarding their whereabouts, whether in person or online. In a world where government officials can go missing or criminals might randomly or accidentally, or through errors, flaws, or design, disseminate thousands of sensitive records; and in a world where increasingly more data is collected, pooled, analyzed, and made available, the desire of wealthy families and entrepreneurs for privacy is well-founded.

The book further argues that Switzerland has a role to play in protecting the interests of the global affluent family and entrepreneurs in privacy. Given Switzerland’s prominent financial industry, this role will not be insignificant, as it must extend far beyond what is commonly offered today.

This book is available in English at

Protecting Privacy for Wealthy Families and Entrepreneurs by Ariel Davidoff